You can see the map here , or go to Palestine Remembered then press on Satellite View in the top panel.
Here is Salah's description of the project:
"At Palestine Remembered we have compiled the most complete listing of Palestine's villages and cities (over 2,300 have been identified) including:
- Most comprehensive listing of all destroyed and ethnically cleansed towns.
- All of West Bank's and Gaza Strip's cities, villages, and refugee camps.
- All existing Palestinian town (including the unrecognized villages) inside Israel (Palestine-1948).
- Most the exclusive Jewish colonies (inclusive of West Bank colonies).
At 's lab, we have built a unique software (currently in beta release) that allows you to add placemarks (via google maps). Daily, the software compiles all newly added placemarks to the the over all listing, so appreciate you participation and feedback.
Our sources are as follows:
- The mass majority for the destroyed villages' coordinates were provided By Dr. Salman Abu Sitta based based on coordinates collected by the British Mandate in 1923.
- Israeli towns (including West Bank's exclusive Jewish colonies) were all identified from information available in the public domain, mostly from CIA maps & World Gazetteer.
- All military installation were identified from information available in the public domain, mostly from CIA maps plus al-Safir newspaper finding.
As of now, we are double checking these coordinates (including the destroyed villages) for accuracy using Atlas of Palestine's aerial view of Palestine before Nakba, published CIA maps, and other sources. We have made our best effort to verify and double check these coordinates from multiple sources, so by no means we claim 100% accuracy. In that respect, we appreciate pointing any discrepancies.
Our DATE is 58 years LATE, we shall return.
Abu al-Sous (Salah Mansour)
Chicago, IL USA